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Vol En Montgolfière Survolant Une Grande Rivière De La Région Des Ardennes Belges En Plein Coucher De Soleil

Hot-air balloon flight

Discover the magic of a hot air balloon flight in Belgium

Imagine yourself gently soaring through the sky, capturing breathtaking panoramic views of the Belgian Ardennes. The opportunity to discover the plateau from a new angle and contemplate the beauty of the landscape during sunset or sunrise.

A hot air balloon flight in Belgium, more particularly in the Hautes Fagnes, offers an extraordinary experience, where exploration combines with adrenaline.

Live an unforgettable adventure

A hot air balloon ride is more than just an adventure; it’s an immersion into a canvas of picturesque landscapes and spectacular aerial views. Treat yourself to the unique opportunity to float in harmony with the heavens during a captivating hot air balloon flight in Belgium.

What is a hot air balloon flight like in Belgium ?

The adventure begins with a meeting at times when the weather conditions are most favorable. You will be welcomed by the team of professionals who will explain the flight to you and answer all your questions.

Once boarded the gondola and, at the pilot’s signal, the burners are activated to inflate the balloon. Slowly, the hot air balloon rises into the air, creating a feeling that is both exciting and calming.

During the flight, you will float gently above the varied landscapes, creating an enchanting ambiance.

After about an hour of flight, the hot air balloon begins to descend gently to land safely. The ground crew will guide you through the landing process, and once on the ground you will participate in the traditional balloon folding ceremony.

Then, a festive toast with champagne closes this unforgettable experience.

When is the best time to take a hot air balloon ride in Belgium ?

The best time to take a hot air balloon ride in Belgium depends mainly on seasonal weather conditions. Generally, the spring, summer and fall seasons provide ideal conditions for hot air balloon rides.

A luminous experience throughout the day

The beauty of a hot air balloon flight in Belgium is closely linked to the different lights that bathe the landscape. By choosing to take to the air early in the morning, you will be enchanted by the soft glow of dawn which gradually illuminates the fields and forests. The warm hues and delicate shadows bring the landscape to life in a calm and serene atmosphere.

Opting for a late afternoon flight will immerse you in a completely different palette of colors. The sun’s rays are tinged with a golden hue, illuminating the countryside with an enchanting glow.

Sunset offers an almost mystical experience, painting the sky with warm and spectacular hues.

Each hour of flight brings with it a unique lighting ambiance that transforms the landscape before your eyes.

How to dress for a hot air balloon flight ?

To fully and comfortably enjoy your hot air balloon flight, it is essential to choose clothing suited to the situation. Here are some recommendations on how to dress for a hot air balloon flight :

  • Dress in layers to cope with temperature variations at altitude.
    Opt for comfortable clothes,
  • Bring a light jacket or sweater, as early morning departures can be chilly.
  • Choose sturdy, closed-toe shoes, like sneakers or hiking shoes.
  • Protect yourself from the sun with sunglasses.

Hotel stay and hot air balloon ride, the perfect combo

Plan a stay that combines relaxation and discovery with our special offer : Flight Stay. Wake up in the comfort of our quality accommodation, enjoy our wellness facilities and prepare for an exhilarating aerial journey with a hot air balloon flight in Belgium.

This one-of-a-kind experience is guaranteed to turn your stay in the High Fens into a memorable adventure.